Hiring a Consistent Flow of High-Quality and Productive New Agents

by | Jun 15, 2022

In today’s podcast, we’ll be joined by Stephanie Robertstad. Stephanie is a recruiting coordinator for Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox and Roach Realtors.

For those of you who don’t know, BHHS Fox and Roach is the flagship franchise in the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices network. They were recently ranked #1 for the sixth year in a row, and show no signs of slowing down.

They are headquartered just outside of Philadelphia, but they have more than 5,500 agents and more than 75 offices spread across Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.

We all know that you don’t get this large and remain on top without recruiting. As you’d expect, they’ve been remarkably successful at attracting and growing some of the best agents in the country.

To pull something off this substantial, it only makes sense you’d need a team of talented individuals who are working on recruiting from various angles.

Today, we’ll just look at one part of their overall recruiting system, and that’s the digital sourcing and hiring of new agents.

Stephanie sits at the center of this part of their system, so let’s jump in and learn how the experts do this!

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The Simple Psychology of Real Estate Recruiting [eBook]

Unlock the secrets of effective real estate recruiting and learn how you can build trust, foster rapport, and understand the psychology behind candidate decisions. Discover techniques for converting acquaintances to hires and retaining agents by addressing their needs and aspirations.

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The Recruiting Handpump

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Your First 90 Minutes

Discover a new productivity hack for the new year – focusing solely on your most important tasks in the first 90 minutes of your workday. Multiply productivity gains with this approach.

Wanting it Too Much

Wanting it Too Much

When you’re in a recruiting dialog with a talented agent, it’s hard not to get too excited about the possibility of this agent joining your team.While it’s important to...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Managing the Placebo Effect

A wide body of experimentation and research suggests that what the mind believes to be true is a very powerful thing.And according to best-selling author Bruce...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Innate Drive for Autonomy

A decade-long research project known at the Whitehall Studies followed 10,000 British employees comparing health outcomes to different pay grades.Sheena Lyengar cited...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Retention Checklist

Working hard to hire talented agents while watching others walk out the back door will suck the motivation out of anyone who plays the recruiting game.In the long run,...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Value of a Positive Culture

Psychologist Shawn Achor demonstrates why working in a positive culture is so valuable.Our brains are designed to work much better when they are in a positive state as...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Contribution Lens

There is too much to do and not enough time in the day to get it all done.This is the plight of every real estate executive and manager.We know that prioritization is...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

From Good to Great

During a coaching session, one of our executive clients relayed a conversation she had with one of her managers.The conversation took place during a quarterly...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Net PPP Metric

It’s common for real estate companies to lose 25% of their agents each year. Retirements, new agent attrition, losses to competitors, and other factors all naturally...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Posters and Hunters

Recruitment marketing expert Jeff Dickey-Chasins points out how most companies source recruiting prospects.In broad terms, employers fall into one of two camps in their...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Action Leads to Insight

When trying to find solutions to a difficult problem (like recruiting), most people search for insight from our own experiences, the insights of others, and best...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Building on First Impressions

The experienced agent recruiting process often starts with a personal connection (a referral, a phone conversation, a coop connection, etc.).An important second step is...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Emotional Recruiting

One of the hiring managers I work with asked a great question earlier this week:I just set up a recruiting appointment with a prospect to whom I was referred.In my...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Choosing Value Over Price

In 2022, Ford sold more cars than any other manufacturer (slightly more than Toyota).And yet Ford only manufactures one “low cost” model (Fiesta), and it was recently...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Start the Fire

Years ago, Kevin Kelly from Wired magazine wrote the classic 1000 True Fans essay.His point: Most entrepreneurs find success by building something a few people are...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Tripping Over the Truth

Imagine you have a good idea that you want other people to support.What do you do? You try to sell them on it.I’ve explored a lot of different ideas, and this is the...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Dislodging Higher Performers

Not all experienced agent recruiting prospects are the same.If an agent is early stage in their career and doing a modest amount of business, it’s much easier for that...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Getting 1% Better Every Day

When Dave Brailsford took over the British cycling team in 2002, it had only been awarded one Olympic gold medal in the previous 76 years.When originally applying for...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Your Contribution to Labor Day

For most Americans, Labor Day signals the end of summer and the restart of the school year.But the roots of the holiday are less sentimental and whimsical.It signifies...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Collect Data While You Recruit

Without exception, the most important lead indicator for recruiting success is the face-to-face appointment with a viable recruiting prospect.If you meet with enough...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Tell Others About Your Goals

You’ve probably noticed how fundraisers communicate their goals and keep you updated on the progress of a campaign.It could be one of those poster-sized...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

A Constant Flow of Leads

Over the last 20 years, my kids and I have spent a lot of time exploring the alpine lakes in Washington State.Most of these lakes are fed by the winter snow that slowly...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

How to Handle Recruiting Objections

During our Recruiting Mastermind last Friday, David Knox gave our leaders a simple formula for handling recruiting objections.The formula follows the acronym...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

For the Love of Results

Muhammad Ali once said, "I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit!’  Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion."I have met very few...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Retention is Recruiting

And vice-versa.Every great recruiting story starts with a talented  prospect finding a great company, office, or team who helps them realize their potential.Every great...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

What Makes an Agent Talented?

As a recruiter or hiring manager, you’re constantly searching for talented individuals to join your team.But what makes an individual talented?Bestselling authors...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Attracted to Short-Term Value

Recruiting prospects are naturally attracted to hiring managers they know, like, and trust.They’re repelled by those who seem to have short-term agendas.But most...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Always Be Selecting

A colleague who is a broker in California sent me these licensing stats earlier this week.There are 434,000 individuals with active real estate licenses in...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Power of Reverse Engineering

In his bestselling book, Decoding Greatness, Ron Friedman challenges the notion that greatness only comes through inner talent and practice.There is a third story about...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Intellectual Humility

In today’s world of polarized opinions, it’s easy to believe there’s a right side and wrong side to almost every cultural issue.According to researchers, this cultural...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

I Trust Your Judgment

The nature of being a first-level real estate leader means you must be readily accessible to your agents.But it doesn’t mean you can’t manage these interactions more...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Focus on Great Design

Seth Godin surmises that the world of design operates on two axes:Did you produce within the constraints?Did you deliver measurable results?Good design doesn’t exceed...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The New Recruiting KPI

By far, the most common recruiting KPI in the real estate industry is net hires (# of agents recruited--# of agents lost).It’s the quickest way to benchmark growth, but...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Boomerang Hires

Boomerang hires are the agents who once worked for your company and later decide to come back for a second tour of duty.There are some hiring managers who hold a grudge...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Scaling Talent Acquisition

Over the last decade, tech companies have invested billions of dollars trying to disrupt the connection between real estate agents and consumers. And yet in 2022, NAR...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Remarkable Power of Optimism

In a post from the archive, Martin Seligman tells a remarkable story about optimism.In the mid-1980s, 120 men from San Francisco had their first heart attacks.Members...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Agents Who Claim to Be Happy

I’m happy with my current broker.By far, it’s the most common objection competitive agents offer in response to a recruiting pitch.Why?   Because it might be true.In a...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

What Makes an Agent Unhappy?

For years, researchers have attempted to quantify what makes people happy in their jobs.While it’s obvious this information would be helpful from a retention...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Limitation of Facts

According to Richard Millington, leaning too much on facts to persuade prospects may limit your effectiveness as a recruiter.A typical mistake is to try and convince...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Develop a Following as a Leader

In a post from the archive, Dave Mashburn poses the question:How many of your agents are truly following you as a leader?  Individuals arrive in management positions in...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Hiring Law of the Farm

Growing lettuce is an odd exercise.The seeds are super small, and a $2.00 package contains hundreds of them.You plant the seeds by gently filtering them through your...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

For the Love of Money (Not)

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average person changes jobs every 4 years.What drives an individual to consider new opportunities?Increasing one’s...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Leaders are Readers

Jim Rohn reminds us that successful leaders make reading books one of their signature habits.Successful people do read more. Leaders, in particular, seem to read more...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Why Agents Leave Teams

At a recent team leader retreat, Tom Ferry outlined the top 10 reasons agents leave teams.1.    They’re burned out.2.    The environment isn’t fun or isn’t fun...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The 3:1 Positivity Ratio

In a post from the archive, Dave Mashburn reminds us of the importance of being a positive leader. The teachers I remember, the bosses who had the most influence, and...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Most Agents Can Do Math

I recently had an opportunity to connect with a recruiting executive of a large real estate company in the Midwest. He and his team recruited hundreds of experienced...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Diminishing Recruiting Returns

Erik Reed does a good job of explaining diminishing returns from an investment perspective.Diminishing returns is a principle of economics.It says that in any system,...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Learning to Reframe Your Fears

In a post from the archive, Dave Mashburn reminds us of the importance of reframing. Reframing has a way of dismantling defenses, exposing old myths, eliminating fears,...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

How to Avoid Failed Hires

It’s frustrating to spend a lot of time and effort recruiting someone only to see them fail. But according to an extensive study of 5,000 hiring managers and more than...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Make Yourself Memorable

Several years ago, a new neighbor moved in across the street. When I first met him, he introduced himself by telling me his name, shaking my hand, and rubbing his bald...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Deciding Who to Recruit

Recruiting is hard work. If you’re going to make the effort, it only makes sense to focus your energy on recruiting prospects who will make a meaningful contribution to...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Creating a Destination

Seth Godin once observed there are two types of businesses. Those that make money by being a destination and those who make money helping people get to a destination....

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Start by Building Awareness

In the 1994 film “Wyatt Earp”, Gene Hackman famously said those who were not related to him by blood were “just strangers.” While this is not a great way to view your...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

How to Establish a New Belief

As we discussed last week, your beliefs have a profound effect on your performance. If you believe something that supports and aligns with your goals, you’re more...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Chasing Stars

In a post from the archive, we highlight the research of Harvard Business School Professor Boris Groysberg. Dr. Groysberg studied the pros and cons of recruiting high...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Why Do Your Agents Work?

According to the classic research done by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan from the University of Rochester, there are six distinct reasons people find motivation in their...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Catalyst Events

In chemistry, a catalyst is an intermediary that causes another chemical process to spontaneously happen or happen more quickly. For example, the catalytic converter in...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Your Belief Stack

Every real estate organization has a tech stack. Your tech stack includes the tools and technology solutions that power your business. You can’t compete without...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The $25 Million Misbelief

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to connect with a high-performing hiring manager who was part of a large, multi-office brokerage. In this company, the managers...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Cheap Trick Recruiting Advice

In 1977, Cheap Trick released their now classic single I Want You to Want Me. I’m sure many of you can hum the tune. This simple song contained some profound recruiting...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Sell Solutions, Not Price

I’m in the middle of renovating a few rooms in my home right now, and I recently purchased a light switch for 30 times what a normal light switch usually costs. Why?...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Recruiting Trade-Offs

Recruiting has always been an exercise in trade-offs. Setting priorities ahead of time equips you to make sense of your recruiting and hiring decisions. What are the...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Agents are Fearful Right Now

I was recently on the phone with the CEO of a large real estate company, and he relayed the following story. The top agent in my company (personal income more than $1...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Luring Fish into a Barrel

Seth Godin once published this thought-provoking lesson on how to manage your effort. It’s true, at least for now, that there are plenty of fish in the sea. And it’s...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

How Not to Work Yourself to Death

In an email from executive coach Bill Watkins about the patterns he sees among business owners and entrepreneurs who overwork. I know your struggle here. It's easy to...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Discuss and Do Meetings

Author and serial entrepreneur Dan Martell recently shared one of his life hacks that may help you become a better recruiter. For Dan, a typical video meeting lasts 30...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Growing During the Storm–Part 2

On Friday, I pointed you to  Steve Murray's study after the real estate recession between 2005 and 2011. The study documented the performance of 17 remarkable companies...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Growing During the Storm

Quick history lesson today. Between 2005 and 2011, the real estate industry experienced a monstrous recession. During that period, real estate sales volume fell from...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Quitter’s Day

According to research conducted by Strava (a social network for athletes), 50% of individuals give up on their New Year’s resolution by January 19th. This is known as...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

How to Reduce Failed Hires

Nothing’s more frustrating than executing the recruiting process flawlessly, and then seeing your new hire fail to launch and experience success on your team. We call...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Setting Smart Recruiting Goals

To establish recruiting goals for you and your team, it may be helpful to use the SMART goal framework developed by George Doran nearly 40 years ago. This framework has...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Salmon Fishing for Agents

In a post from the archive, my son taught me an important lesson about recruiting while watching a fishing video years ago. Dad, that looks like the most boring type of...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Crossing the Engagement Chasm

Technology solutions in the world of recruiting are seductive. Your hopes of efficiently engaging thousands of people through email, social networks, or other online...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

I’ve Heard of You

I recently received this email from a high-performing hiring manager whom I coach: This morning, I got a random phone call from an out-of-area prefix that I decided to...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Chasing Transactions

When tracking hiring results, most offices will measure how many agents they hired and lost. This produces the net hire metric. Your net hires usually correlate to the...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Don’t Commoditize Recruiting

Most agents (new or experienced) choose their broker based on a list of features. It’s like reading a spec sheet for a new laptop you’re considering--commission split,...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Recruiting Shuffle

In some ways, we all want things to stay the same. We want the things that are working to keep working. We want the people who are productive to stay on track and...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

More Recruiting Insight in 2023

Like previous years, the Recruiting Insight writing and editing staff will be taking a two-week break from publishing as we enter the holiday season. We’ll restart...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Recruiting Hungry

We all know it’s a bad idea to grocery shop when you’re feeling hungry. Self-discipline and good judgement are set aside as your physical desires and emotions tell you...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Create Your Own Silver Lining

In a recent Inman article, Mike Delprete makes the dire prediction that most brokerages are heading into a long, cold winter. Declines in revenue are being driven by...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Stop Prospecting?

The market is tough, and we’re entering the winter months. Is this the advice you’re giving your agents right now? I hope not. A lack of prospecting is the cancer that...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Power of a Quick Note

This time of year, our company sends out some Northwest holiday confections to our clients. It’s a great way to celebrate the holiday season and thank those who have...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Abundant Recruiting Prospects

Yesterday, we discussed how market conditions are making it more difficult to source recruiting prospects. At this juncture, real estate organizations are tempted to...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Influx of Easy Hires

Google has taught us this simple correlation:  What people search for tells us a lot about consumer sentiment. Since 70% of job searches begin on Google, it also tells...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Creating More Time to Recruit

Everyone knows that setting a timer for yourself when starting a task can improve efficiency. But how often do you do it? If you struggle to consistently use this basic...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The New Attrition Variables

Yesterday, we discussed the most common and consistent factors (attrition constants) causing a person to defect to a competitor. While these attrition constants still...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Attrition Constants

Next to recruiting, the retention of profitable agents is something that exasperates every real estate leader. It’s difficult and expensive to recruit, train, mentor,...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Jay Luebke published an article outlining his seven-year journey as a real estate agent (he started when he was 17-years old). In his short career, he worked in four...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Learning Loop

Earlier this week, we learned deliberate practice is what turns average performers into experts. The deliberate practice framework can be easily applied to a simple...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Happiness Underpins Retention

For many years, social scientists have tried to quantify the underlying causes of happiness. In the workplace, the topic is relevant because there is a lot of research...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect

Only deliberate practice does. According to researchers, gaining experience through repetition alone will not make you an expert—it just makes you good at the mistakes...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Task Level New Agent Recruiting

Every recruiting organization should set recruiting goals, and most do. While goals articulate the desired outcomes, they often don’t address the tasks that lead to the...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Recruiting Professionals

Last week, we discussed how recruiting new agents is like selling something to an inexperienced amateur. Since they don’t have a framework to understand your features...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Recruiting Amateurs

Several years ago, Seth Godin published an article on the difference between selling to a professional and selling to an amateur. A professional is going to buy from...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Redesigning Your Work

For most real estate leaders and managers, maintaining the status quo is a prescription for failure. High performers know there’s a constant need to redesign and...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Measuring the Value of Your Work

Here’s a comment I’ve heard real estate owners/executives say dozens of times: I want our managers to focus on the tasks and activities that produce the highest value...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

How Age Delays Time to Hire

We all want quick results—especially those who are involved in the real estate recruiting process. Our compensation, our bonuses, and our egos are all attached to...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Accountability in Action

Yesterday, I shared a simple model for keeping yourself and others accountable in business relationships. A few months ago, a client reached out with a great example of...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Why is Accountability So Hard?

As we discussed last week, leaders rank holding people accountable as their #1 weakness and the thing they hate doing the most. And yet according to research cited by...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Get Rid of Your Quiet Quitters

Over the weekend, the WSJ did a good job of defining a workplace phenomenon that may be affecting your organization. Quiet quitting is where workers do as little work...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Cutting into the Muscle

The real estate industry runs on transactions. Because infrastructure naturally rises to the level of transactions, companies are forced to cut costs when transactions...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Building a Connection

In an effort to appear competent and “put their best foot forward", many recruiting prospects are reluctant to share their problems. When being evaluated, we all have a...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Wanting to Be Measured

Over the last few years, we’ve highlighted the differences between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. Because successful agents tend to have a growth mindset, it is...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Only Doing the Things You Like

In a short video, performance coach Todd Herman recently provided some advice every recruiter and hiring manager needs to hear. In business, many people seek out the...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Restating Points of Pain

When you’re able to get your recruiting prospects to express their dissatisfaction with their current work situation, you’re earning the right to be heard later in the...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Basics of Retention

Some years back, the Gallup Organization developed a set of 12 questions to assess the professional health of an employee. In my opinion, five of these questions relate...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Avocado Principle

As we head into Labor Day weekend, I wanted to reshare one of my favorite Seth Godin posts. He calls it the Avocado Principle: If you wait until you really want an...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Working a Recruiting Funnel

For most real estate professionals, working a sales funnel is second nature. But when asked to define and work a recruiting funnel, things get a little cloudy. Why?...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Decoding Motivation

More than 20 years ago, University of Rochester professors Richard Ryan and Edward Deci published their findings on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Their research...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

I Trust Your Opinion

I was recently talking with one of my favorite hiring managers, and she told me about an interaction she recently had with an experienced agent recruiting prospect. The...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Hiring Progression

Robin Dreeke is an expert on building rapport. He originally learned these skills as an FBI agent and later taught them to hundreds of others when he was the Director...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Designating a Task as Important

You’re probably familiar with the important-versus-urgent quadrant method of organizing projects or tasks. While this life hack is helpful, it doesn’t give much...

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Double Down on Recruiting

Earlier this week, RE/MAX reported their second quarter earnings and issued a press release concerning growth forecast for the remainder of the year. Like most press...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Recruiting With a Purpose

In a post from the archive, recruiting expert Aaron Hurst shared some of his research on the common characteristics of high-performing recruiters. According to Aaron,...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Hiring Success in the Follow-Up

You’ve all heard the old sales adage: The fortune is in the follow-up. It’s true. The agents who consistently stay connected with those in their database are the...

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How to Resist Hiring Amateurs

We all want to avoid making the mistake of hiring the wrong people. But that’s not as easy as it sounds. Why? Because our brains often tell us to hire the wrong people...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Replacing Amateurs

At the GOE conference a few weeks ago, Tom Ferry reported that 648,000 real estate agents in the U.S. have not completed even one transaction in 2022. As we discussed...

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Kindling Hope

As we head into the holiday weekend, I wanted to pass on a story I’ve often shared with my coaching clients. Years ago, there were four football players who were...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Don’t Let Fear Paralyze You

If you’re feeling uneasy about the market and wondering if it makes sense to continue recruiting, you should read Joe Rand’s article published in Inman earlier this...

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The Staffing Cycle

In yesterday’s podcast, Dave Caveness referenced a recruiting and retention framework his company uses to stay focused on the long-term nature of talent management....

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Podcast with Lisa Chinatti

Today, we'll be connecting with Lisa Chinatti about recruiting and retention in the crazy world of real estate teams. She is the person the large real estate portals...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Farming Mindset

I’m not much of a gardener, but each spring I try my hand at planting some different types of lettuces and greens in the small garden we have in our back yard. To get...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Podcast with Vanessa Mouton

In today's podcast, we'll be chatting with Vanessa Mouton. Vanessa is the Managing Broker of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Office in Cary, North Carolina. She...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Asking for What You Really Want

Author Adam Lashinsky frequently speaks about the organizational best practices Apple uses to optimize employee performance. One of the simplest practices is assigning...

Hiring People Like You

Hiring People Like You

Setting and meeting expectations are the cornerstones of most business successes. When someone sets an expectation for you, how do you respond? Do you… Quickly accept...

Hiring People Like You

Values Sustain Culture

Earlier this week, I introduced you to virtual and hybrid culture expert Bryan Mills. Bryan led a fully virtual staffing company for more than a decade. One of his...

Hiring People Like You

Introducing Podcast Wednesdays

When I started writing daily Insights a few years ago, I intended to make them concise and to the point. My goal was to deliver 60-seconds of recruiting wisdom to busy...

Hiring People Like You

Agents are Struggling with…

Last Friday, I encouraged each of you to participate in a nationwide survey on issues related to agents, teams, and brokers. Thank you to all those who took the time to...

Hiring People Like You

My Peers are Doing What?

For the last few years, our friends at JPAR have conducted an industry-wide real estate survey for agents, teams, and brokers. It’s great they’re collecting data and...

Hiring People Like You

The Odds of Making a Hire

Since I'll be attending a conference in Las Vegas later this week, I thought it might be a good time to talk about recruiting odds. A couple of years ago Jobvite...

Hiring People Like You

Choose Your Hard

A while back, Tom Ferry published an article I occasionally refer back to when I lack motivation towards completing the tasks I know I should be doing. The article...

Hiring People Like You

Finding the Underlying Pain

If you have a headache, you can take ibuprofen to alleviate the pain. But the pain is not being caused because your body is lacking enough ibuprofen. There is an...

Hiring People Like You

The Recruiting Quick Plan

Once you put a recruiting prospect on your Warm List, it’s time to start strategizing on how to dislodge them from their existing brokerage. The more production and...

Hiring People Like You

The Best Time to Call

I spoke with a high-performing experienced agent recruiter last week who makes a lot of outbound calls. I asked her when she makes the most connections during various...

Hiring People Like You

The 10% Rule

Over the holidays, I connected with a colleague who was taking inventory of the agents who had left his firm during the previous year. He and his staff compiled a list...

Hiring People Like You

Email Versus Texting

I was recently reminded of a conversation I had with my wife a few months ago. She mentioned she had not read an email I’d forwarded to her a couple of days earlier. It...

Hiring People Like You

Advantageous Labor Stats

Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal documented how workers are quitting their jobs in droves to become their own bosses. Here’s some of what they reported: There...

Hiring People Like You

Get Onboard with Texting

In a recent forum, Roy Mauer of SHRM made the following observations. The recruiting experience is, in essence, a communication experience. Communicating with potential...

Hiring People Like You

Why Your Brain Loves Lists

Successful recruiters use checklists. They not only help you get more done, but your brain loves them. According to research summarized by best-selling author Maria...

Hiring People Like You

Flight Risks and Brown-Grassers

If retention worries keep you up at night, you may want to implement one of John Sullivan’s retention techniques. It’s a little more complex than some of the other...

Hiring People Like You

The Organic Path to Growth

Years ago, Kevin Kelly from Wired magazine wrote the classic 1000 True Fans essay. His point: Most entrepreneurs find success by building something a few people are...

Hiring People Like You

The Goldilocks Equilibrium

In a recent blog, Seth Godin explains the Goldilocks equilibrium. It’s the belief that when a service is offered, a few people will like it really hot, a few people...

Hiring People Like You

The “Next-Step” Note

In a recent blog post, Rich Millington challenged the traditional wisdom of sending a thank you note. Thank you notes feel like the right thing to do in most...

Hiring People Like You

Choosing Who to Ignore

In a recent podcast, Guy Gal, the founder and CEO of Side, describes who his brokerage is recruiting. Over 70% of agents in the real estate industry are part-time and...

Hiring People Like You

Signs an Agent is Going to Leave

A while back, Erica Ramus wrote an outstanding article for Inman (subscription required) on how to tell when your agents are about to leave your brokerage. Here is part...

Hiring People Like You

The Time Management Paradox

Author Dane Jenson describes the nagging feeling most real estate leaders experience every day. A major source of stress for many is the pervasive feeling that there is...

Hiring People Like You

Turn Your CEO into a Recruiter

In a post from the archive, John Sullivan points out some of the benefits of having your recruiting prospects meet with your CEO. CEOs are great salespeople. It’s hard...

Hiring People Like You

The Great Employment Shuffle

Employees are quitting their jobs at an unprecedented rate. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that 2.7% of workers are leaving their jobs each month. This is...

Hiring People Like You

Nurturing Your Growth Mindset

Earlier this week, we learned that recruiters and hiring managers who have a fixed mindset will often shy away from the trial and error necessary to make the recruiting...

Hiring People Like You

Too Much Employment Inventory

Lack of housing inventory is one of the most significant problems facing the real estate industry. It’s wreaking havoc on home buyers, real estate companies, and a host...

Hiring People Like You

At What?

The real estate industry is so competitive, many recruiters and hiring managers get stuck in a rut. You tell your prospects: We’re better than our competitors! But that...

Hiring People Like You

Uncovering Trouble

I have a high opinion of Microsoft. It’s one of the highest valued companies in the world, and it underwent a remarkable turnaround since Satya Nadella took over the...

Hiring People Like You

A Clear and Compelling Payoff

In order for a positive change to take root, there must be a clear and compelling payoff for the person making the change. “Compelling payoffs” come in two...

Hiring People Like You

Recruiting Habits

According to Tony Schwartz, the author of Be Excellent at Anything, habits control most of our lives. Fully 95% of our behavior occurs out of habit, either...

Hiring People Like You

The Flow Trigger for Recruiting

In a recent article, psychologist and author Benjamin Hardy reminded his readers of the importance of being in psychological flow to accomplish their best work. Being...

Hiring People Like You

Celebrating Successes

One of the best parts of my job is hearing about your wins. I get updates from clients and Insight readers almost every day letting me know about the progress they’ve...

Hiring People Like You

Procrastination: Matching Law

We’ve been discussing procrastination for the last few days. If you missed the previous posts on the topic, you may want to take a few minutes to catch up (previous...

Hiring People Like You

Making a Great First Impression

Nothing’s more frustrating than executing the recruiting process flawlessly, and then seeing your new hire fail to launch and experience success on your team. We call...

Hiring People Like You

And the Survey Says..

Over the past several months, we’ve been collecting survey data from our company’s clients and our marketing partners on agent, manager, and recruiting performance. We...

Hiring People Like You

Too Busy to be Productive

In a post from the archive, Dave Mashburn reminds us that leaders have struggled with being too busy for more than 2000 years. In modern life, busyness is a distraction...

Hiring People Like You

Optimizing Your Employer Brand

There are two components that contribute to your employer brand—the market’s perception of your company and the unique value proposition you offer to those who join...

Hiring People Like You

More Focus on the Right Things

Almost everyone I coach struggles with consistently focusing their time, attention, and energy on their most important priorities. It seems to be the bane of a real...

Hiring People Like You

Continuing the Fight in 2021

Like previous years, the Recruiting Insight writing and editing staff will be taking a two-week break from publishing as we enter the holiday season. We’ll restart...

Hiring People Like You

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Last year, Jay Luebke published an article outlining his seven-year journey as a real estate agent (he started when he was 17-years old). In his short career, he worked...

Hiring People Like You

Sourcing Update

The Job Board Doctor consulting group recently released their annual recruiting trends survey. This is one of the longstanding benchmarks for the recruitment...

Hiring People Like You

Death of the Phone Call

Using your phone as a tool for recruiting is becoming increasingly difficult. According to researchers, people have stopped answering their phones because of the high...

Hiring People Like You

Action vs. Motion

In a recent blog post, Mark Johnson describes a productivity obstacle that trips up many real estate managers. There is a difference between being in motion and taking...

Hiring People Like You

Recruiting Inertia

Newton’s first law of physics informs us that a body at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an external force. New research on the behaviors of recruiting...

Hiring People Like You

Recruitment Advertising Update

Appcast recently published their mid-year update on the state of recruitment advertising. Here are some of the trends they documented: 1. Despite a high unemployment...

Hiring People Like You

Recruiting’s Target Rich Area

According to NAR’s most recent member profile, 65% of agents have been in business for five years or less. It’s a large group of agents (900K+) all trying to figure out...

Hiring People Like You

The Failure Rates of New Agents

If you Google the failure rate of new agents, you’ll see this statistic pop up on multiple sites: 87% of Real Estate Agents Fail in the First 5 Years Perhaps this stat...

Hiring People Like You

Blending Work and Personal Life

MetLife recently released their annual Employee Benefit Trends Study for 2020. The trends over the last 18 years are a case study in how employers are forced to respond...

Hiring People Like You

The Why of Recruiting

In a recent podcast, Adena Hefets, CEO of Divvy Homes, reminded her audience why recruiting is so important. When I first started Divvy, I did everything and felt like...

Hiring People Like You

You’re Not Their Only Date

When someone considers making a career change or changing brokers, they typically seek out multiple opportunities. Researchers found that only 23% of recruiting...

Hiring People Like You

New Agent Hiring Update

Earlier this week, Jim Dalrymple published an excellent article packed with new agent hiring data over the last few months. Jim compiled licensing data from 32 states...

Hiring People Like You

The Risk of Being Dominant

In the late ‘80s, IBM had 50% of the computer market’s revenue and 90% of its profit. At the time, Apple was a relatively small company (along with a bunch of others)...

Hiring People Like You

What’s Going On Out There?

This is a question I commonly hear from the most successful executives, hiring managers, and recruiters. Those who perform at a high level seem to have a natural...

Hiring People Like You

Bringing Your Data to Life

Converting data into visual formats has been a major marketing trend over the last decade. While it’s well known that visual information is easier for the mind to...

Hiring People Like You

Employment Bright Spots

As darkness falls each evening, there are a few bright-shining stars that emerge before the rest become visible. Financial news is suggesting the real estate industry...

Hiring People Like You

The Covid Catalyst

As many of you know, our company sources thousands of recruiting prospects each month for real estate companies across the country. We recently added a new question to...

Hiring People Like You

Reopening Recruiting

You’ve heard much about businesses emerging from lockdown and making plans to compete in the post-Covid world. No doubt much of your attention has been focused on...

Hiring People Like You

The Porch Fairies Fly Again

What’s better than receiving? That’s right. Giving. A few weeks ago, I highlighted the work of Player Murray and Lizzie Gonzales who manage a high-performing real...

Hiring People Like You

Dominating Your Future

In a recent podcast, technology pioneer Michael Dell outlined the basic strategy for handling a crisis. When you’re in a crisis, you’ve really got to do three things:...

Hiring People Like You

April Sourcing Results

Over the previous four weeks, I published two Insights (1,2) concerning the sourcing trends for new-to-real-estate recruiting prospects. Here’s another quick update....

Hiring People Like You

Claim Your Niche

One of the key components of a recruiting strategy is defining a niche. A niche is a tightly defined portion of the overall recruiting marketplace. This marketplace can...

Hiring People Like You

Don’t Give Up

As I talk to managers in real estate companies across the country, there’s a common theme emerging. Many of you are tired. Over the last eight weeks, you’ve worked long...

Hiring People Like You

Recruiting After COVID

Earlier this week, Tom Ferry recorded an outstanding coaching video for agents who are struggling to restart their businesses. He outlines a creative way of segmenting...

Hiring People Like You

Recruiting Via Webmeetings

Ninja Selling instructor Don Tennessen recently pointed out: Agents are spending more time in their inboxes right now than ever before. Why? Because they’re in front of...

Hiring People Like You

Friday Porch Fairies

Player Murray and Lizzie Gonzales manage a high-performing real estate office in Raleigh, North Carolina. Like many of you, the lockdowns and business restrictions have...

Hiring People Like You

Less Competition for Talent

Over the past few years, the competition for talented individuals has been intense as reflected in the low unemployment rate. Anyone who was smart, motivated, and...

Hiring People Like You

Helping Agents Survive

As the lockdowns, quarantines, and business restrictions linger on, many agents are starting to wonder how they’re going to survive. The leaders who have the answers to...

Hiring People Like You

Attraction Successes

Over the last week, I’ve had the opportunity to speak (via Zoom) to hundreds of hiring managers about transitioning from promotional recruiting methodologies to...

Hiring People Like You

Stopping the Worry

Getting the coronavirus can wreak havoc on your body and puts those around you at risk too. In a blog post from the archive, Dave Mashburn points out that worry and...

Hiring People Like You

Becoming Strategy-Focused

Our company has worked with hundreds of real estate managers over the last decade. I’ve noticed that some managers run their offices as if they’re owners (even though...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Real Estate 2.0

I heard some comments from Mark Cuban last week that have resonated in my mind. I don't know when we're going to get from America 1.0 to America 2.0, but we will get...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Great Talent Shift

One of the immediate effects of the coronavirus crisis is employment uncertainty. Last week, more than 3 million unemployment claims were submitted in just a few short...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Life Rafts

I’ve heard from many of you who are trying to make sense of experienced agent recruiting during this crisis. It can feel a little tone deaf to be soliciting competitive...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Your Next High Performer

Yesterday, we discussed the importance of planting new agent recruiting seeds during difficult times. Soon after the last downturn, Tracey Goetz planted one of these...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Go Home And Rethink Your Life

If you’re a Star Wars buff, you may remember the short scene from Episode II where Obi Wan was solicited by a shady “death stick” dealer. While having a drink at the...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Recruiting During The Crisis

One of the hiring managers from a large real estate company in California has been reaching out to me over the last few days. We had met in early January, and I...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Figuring Out How To Work

I spoke with the CEO of a large real estate company (2000+ agents) over the weekend. I asked: How are your agents handling with what may be the new normal? It’s...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Snowstorm Or Tornado

I had the opportunity to hear Steve Harney speak yesterday concerning the real estate industry’s prospects and the ongoing health crisis. Often referred to as the voice...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

It’s Time To Lead

As the effects of the public health crisis start to ripple through the economy, there’s a temptation to pull back and disengage. I’m hearing things like: Let’s sit...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

Find A Recruiting Niche

It seems experienced agent recruiting is being driven by funky economics. With the proliferation of new brokerage models, external capital flowing into the industry,...

Agents Are Acting a Lot Like Customers

The Cure for Deal Doctoring

Yesterday, I spoke with a high-performing manager about how she keeps the urgent needs of her agents from encroaching on the proactive time she sets aside for...

The Habit of Proactive Work

The Habit of Proactive Work

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting It does no good to “focus on a small set of priorities” unless you take the next step and dedicate proactive effort...

Recruit With a Smile

Recruit With a Smile

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Dale Carnegie famously advised his readers to carry a genuine smile and use it often as a positive way of creating...

Choosing Productivity

Choosing Productivity

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting In a previous podcast, Dave Mashburn noted that the most productive managers “do less and obsess.” This insight was...

Continuing the Fight in 2020

Continuing the Fight in 2020

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting The ThirdPool writing and editing staff will be taking a break from publishing Recruiting Insight as we enter the...

Texting Pitfalls

Texting Pitfalls

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Earlier this week, I highlighted some of the benefits of adding texting to your recruiting process. Some Insight...

Establishing New Relationships

Establishing New Relationships

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Amy Cuddy’s research reveals that people want answers to two basic questions when they meet someone for the first...

Getting the Right Things Done

Getting the Right Things Done

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Over 50 years ago, Peter Drucker had an epiphany: The primary job of the executive is to get the right things done....

Do Less, Then Obsess

Do Less, Then Obsess

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Last week, I touched on Morten Hansen’s “do less, then obsess” productivity advice. Hansen describes how he...

Choosing an Assessment Wisely

Choosing an Assessment Wisely

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting According to RIS Media, an increasing number of real estate companies are using assessments in the hiring process....

Dr. Dave’s Flashback Fridays

Dr. Dave’s Flashback Fridays

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Earlier this month, we celebrated our one-year anniversary of publishing daily under the Recruiting Insights brand....

Create a Recruiting Avatar

Create a Recruiting Avatar

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Knowing what you’re looking for is the first step to finding it. For hiring, this means identifying the...

Recruiting’s Lead Measure

Recruiting’s Lead Measure

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting In the 4 Disciplines of Execution, the authors recommend identifying a wildly important goal. For many real estate...

Confirmation Bias – Part 3

Confirmation Bias – Part 3

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that affirms...

Confirmation Bias – Part 2

Confirmation Bias – Part 2

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Yesterday, we discussed how confirmation bias is one of your best recruiting allies because expectations and...

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation Bias

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting One of the most powerful tools in a recruiter’s toolbox is confirmation bias.A few years ago, Seth Godin wrote an...

The Rise of the Quit Rate

The Rise of the Quit Rate

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) periodically measures the “quit rate” in the U.S. job market, and voluntary...

Your Recruiting Tech Stack+

Your Recruiting Tech Stack+

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting A few weeks ago, we discussed the recruiting tech stack essentials.Once you’re proficient with these tools, you may...

Mobile-Optimized for Recruiting

Mobile-Optimized for Recruiting

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Recruiting technology tends to lag consumer marketing innovation.What your agents started doing a couple of years...

A Flood of Resumes

A Flood of Resumes

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting The resume is, by far, the most popular way to respond to a job posting.Many online job boards and career sites...

The Recruiting Flywheel

The Recruiting Flywheel

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting In a recent podcast, Steve Murray quickly dissects the most recent Real Trends Up and Comers data to demonstrate...

What Job Seekers Want

What Job Seekers Want

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting What’s a job seeker? A person who is actively looking or willing to discuss a new opportunity.Although unemployment...

Look for Leadership Problems

Look for Leadership Problems

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting You’ve probably heard the old saying: People don’t leave jobs, they leave managers. It’s true. More than 50% of...

Making the Right Choices

Making the Right Choices

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting We’ll wrap up our short series on making choices today. If you’re just joining us, you may want to catch up by...

Too Many Choices

Too Many Choices

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting In the late ‘90s, Sheena Iyengar conducted her now famous “jam study” at the Draeger’s Supermarket in San...

The Psychology of Choice

The Psychology of Choice

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting A few months ago, I had the privilege of hearing Sheena Iyengar deliver a keynote address at a recruiting...

A Crisis of Perceived Value

A Crisis of Perceived Value

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting I’ve often made the point that a real estate office is like a small business community. Some communities thrive and...

Don’t Short-Sell the Dream

Don’t Short-Sell the Dream

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting A person transitioning into real estate often has two basic questions: Can I earn a living in this role? Is the...

Lacking Transaction Experience

Lacking Transaction Experience

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting I spent some time with a friend last weekend who’s in the middle of troubled real estate transaction.He’s the...

Recruit and Retain or Die

Recruit and Retain or Die

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting For the real estate industry, an attrition rate of 25% has been the “rule of thumb” for many years. This means an...

Next Generation Agents

Next Generation Agents

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Here is a quick recommendation to check out Glenn Kelman’s post on The Next Generation of Real Estate Agents.Glenn...

Leveraging Disengagement

Leveraging Disengagement

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting A few years ago, the Gallup Organization published some interesting research on the importance of the first-level...

Constantly Be Recruiting

Constantly Be Recruiting

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting In a recent podcast, Silicon Valley recruiting expert Rick Girard makes the point that recruiting has never been...



by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Over the weekend, Carl Franzen of Inman News wrote his weekly commentary on the exit of Purplebricks from the U.S....

Why Do Recruiters Fail?

Why Do Recruiters Fail?

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Yesterday, we discovered some of the reasons agents fail when beginning their real estate careers or changing...

You’re Not Alone

You’re Not Alone

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Many of you are fighting the real estate recruiting battle every day. Faced with our own challenges, we tend to...

T3 Summit Recruiting Insight

T3 Summit Recruiting Insight

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting A few weeks ago, Stefan Swanepoel and T3 Sixty hosted their annual T3 Summit for real estate leaders in San Diego....

Gig Work or Bread Winning?

Gig Work or Bread Winning?

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting It could be argued that real estate agents were the first “gig economy” workers. Decades before Uber employed...

Focusing Resources on Recruiting

Focusing Resources on Recruiting

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting If you’re not already a regular listener of Steve Murray’s REAL Trending podcast, you should start soon. It’s one...

Don’t Be a Logic Bully

Don’t Be a Logic Bully

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting In a recent podcast, psychologist Adam Grant described an interaction with a student who came to him for some...

A Flood of Recruiting Leads

A Flood of Recruiting Leads

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting In a recent nationwide survey of employers, 54% of hiring managers reported getting too many irrelevant or...

Who’s Searching for Jobs?

Who’s Searching for Jobs?

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting There's a common misconception that the only people searching for jobs are the unemployed.According the new...

Onboarding: Use a Checklist

Onboarding: Use a Checklist

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting A checklist saves lives no matter what industry you’re in.This is the point Atul Gawande, author of The Checklist...

Why Job Boards Send You Garbage

Why Job Boards Send You Garbage

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Real estate leaders often tell me they’ve tried using job boards to source agent candidates but experienced poor...

Your Recruiting Stack

Your Recruiting Stack

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Human Resources consultants estimate there are more than 20,000 HR software and technology products on the market....

Your Application Stack

Your Application Stack

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting If  you’ve been paying attention to the technology wars going on in the real estate industry, you may be familiar...

Learning from Microsoft

Learning from Microsoft

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting If you’re a real estate leader, it might benefit you to become a student of Satya Nadella. Nadella became CEO of...

Creating Unnecessary Hurdles

Creating Unnecessary Hurdles

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Getting the highest quality recruiting prospects to engage is a challenge. This challenge often manifests itself by...

Purposeful Onboarding

Purposeful Onboarding

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Bill Walsh, the legendary San Francisco 49er's coach, knew that some things were too important to leave to chance....

Your Ideal Recruiting Prospect

Your Ideal Recruiting Prospect

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting If you spent any time in the sales profession, you’re probably familiar with the basic concept of identifying an...

The Profitability Equation

The Profitability Equation

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Steve Murray at Real Trends does a great job of boiling down the metrics that effect a real estate company’s...

Abandoning Retirement

Abandoning Retirement

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Traditional recruiting wisdom tells us we should focus most of our hiring efforts on younger candidates. We’re told...

Using Technology to Kiss Frogs

Using Technology to Kiss Frogs

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting There is an old saying in real estate recruiting: You have to kiss a lot of frogs in order to find the one who’s a...

Perception of Fit

Perception of Fit

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting “I could see myself working here.” If one of your candidates says this (verbally or to themselves), he/she has a...

Recruiting Like an NFL Scout

Recruiting Like an NFL Scout

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting Even if you’re not a football fan, you probably noticed the NFL season is starting to ramp up again. The NFL...