A few years ago, I had the opportunity to connect with a high-performing hiring manager who was part of a large, multi-office brokerage.
In this company, the managers were tasked with hiring $25M worth of experienced agent production each year.
It was December when we met, and I asked how she was progressing toward her goal.
I’ve already met my target for the year—I make it every year.
I asked if her peers were also going to make their goal (there are 17 managers in this company).
Only one other manager will exceed the $25M goal. A few more will recruit around $10M, but most will finish well below this level.
Of course, this begged the question:
Why are you and one of your peers successful, while the rest of the group struggles?
Her answer was quick and direct.
They don’t believe in what our company has to offer, and they listen to the lies our competitors tell. You can see it in their eyes. They lack the confidence that wells up from a strong belief system and recruiting prospects sense the weakness.
If beliefs are this powerful, doesn’t it make sense to get clear on what you believe about yourself, your organization, and the value proposition you bring to the marketplace?
There are many frauds in the recruiting marketplace.
It’s why a strong belief system based in reality shines so bright.