How to Recruit During the Chaos

by | Mar 21, 2024

Earlier this week, Mark Johnson published a deck on the implications of the NAR settlement.

It provides some quick and helpful insights if you haven’t read it yet.

With all the turbulence and uncertainty, Mark suggests there are only three things you can totally control:

1. Your focus.

2. The meaning you assign to “things” like events, conversations, and feelings.

3. Your response to the obstacles and challenges you face.

The risk in months ahead is to focus on the wrong things, get caught up in the drama, and let the “what-ifs” paralyze you.

From a recruiting perspective, here are some ways to simplify your focus:

Don’t Stop. Inman recently reported that 60% of the agents in the industry have been actively recruited so far this year.

Your competitors are not going to stop recruiting, and neither should you.

Raise the Bar. Recruiting will continue and maybe intensify, but it shouldn’t be business as usual.

There is a time to increase the size of your army, but not now.  This is the time to upgrade the quality of your troops.

When this all shakes out, the companies with the best agents will win.

Focus on Listing Potential. If buy-side commissions get upended, listing agents will still make money.

To lower your risk, focus your recruiting efforts on agents (both new and experienced) who have the highest capacity to capture listings.

There is no easy path or shortcut ahead.

Recruiting is hard.  Recruiting high-quality agents is even harder.

But it does give you a safe and reliable place to focus while the storm is raging.


PS. If you need to make adjustments to your recruiting process, don’t go it alone.  Reach out and book a free consultation.  We can help you see the opportunities in the storm and avoid the mistakes others have made.



The Simple Psychology of Real Estate Recruiting [eBook]

Unlock the secrets of effective real estate recruiting and learn how you can build trust, foster rapport, and understand the psychology behind candidate decisions. Discover techniques for converting acquaintances to hires and retaining agents by addressing their needs and aspirations.