Articulating the Value of Coaching to Your Recruiting Prospects

by | Jul 10, 2023

Executive Coach Matthew Kimberly recently articulated the value of a business coach.People, as a general rule, don’t hire coaches for information.They read books for information. Or they use Google.Coaches are generally hired for oversight, personalization, and holding your feet to the fire.Sometimes they hire coaches to learn stuff, it’s true. But the execution of the stuff is more important. You don’t fire your personal trainer after she shows you how to do a push up.If part of your office’s value proposition is to provide coaching, you need to get really good at articulating its value.Most agents don’t get it.And they’ll continue to not get it unless you can demonstrate its value through stories, testimonials, and results.If you can’t demonstrate the value of your coaching, remove it from your value proposition and focus on something else.Otherwise, you’ll get stuck selling over-priced information.


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