The Porch Fairies Fly Again

by | May 17, 2020

What’s better than receiving? That’s right. Giving.

A few weeks ago, I highlighted the work of Player Murray and Lizzie Gonzales who manage a high-performing real estate office in Raleigh, North Carolina.

During the lock-down, they secretly left each of their agents a thoughtful gift on their porch with the message:

We are thinking about you and we miss you.

After everyone received a gift, they had the idea of turning the tables and giving the agents an opportunity to make a contribution.

They nominated 10 agents to be the new “porch fairies” during the following week.

These agents reached out to their clients, friends, and sphere of influence with the following message:

I’ve been nominated to be a BHHS North Hills Porch Fairy. My mission is to collect as much nonperishable food as possible for local families in need.

If you’d like to help me in this mission, put some nonperishable food items on your porch, send me a text, and your porch fairy will pick up the food and deliver it to the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle.

This is a great opportunity to help those families who are struggling during these difficult times!

By the end of the week, more than 1000 pounds of food plus cash donations were dropped off at the food shuttle by the porch fairies.

But, here’s the best part.

After the first week, each of the porch fairies nominated another agent in the office to take their place for the following week.

By design, the “Porch Fairies Fly Again” program will be self-perpetuating for the next 10 weeks.

One porch fairy commented,

What really surprised me was how much people want to give back right now. We’ve been stuck in our own little worlds for several weeks now, and it feels good to reach out and help someone who is struggling.

Maybe it’s time to start a porch fairy program in your office.


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