The Risk of Being Dominant

by | Jun 30, 2020

In the late ‘80s, IBM had 50% of the computer market’s revenue and 90% of its profit.

At the time, Apple was a relatively small company (along with a bunch of others) trying to take down the giant.

Fast forward 30 years, and the Wall Street Journal makes a compelling case that Apple now looks a lot like IBM did in times past.

Almost as big, and just as vulnerable.

The verdict is still out on whether history will repeat itself, but the risks associated with being a dominant player in a market are well-established.

And from a recruiting perspective, there are lessons to learn no matter which market position you happen to hold.

If you’re a small company or team competing against a dominant player, there are always cracks that can be exploited.

Find the cracks and demonstrate how you can be more effective in a small niche.

If you’re the prominent player, recognize that leaning on your size and dominance as your primary recruiting advantage is a mistake.

Viewing yourself as a single office or team will help you compete more effectively. Having a large, successful company backing you up is a secondary benefit.

In the end, the most talented recruiting prospects will affiliate with the unique hiring managers who can meet their needs and increase their chances of personal success.

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