In science class you learned that a catalyst is something that starts a chemical reaction amongst compounds that were previously getting along fine.
And you were probably getting along fine with your agents until the “NAR settlement catalyst” was dropped into your office.
Suddenly, the fears and anxieties of even your most loyal agents were ignited, and for many it has created a retention problem.
How do you address something so nebulous?
You could ignore it. That’s not a good idea. If your agents don’t process with you, they’ll process with someone else.
You could make unfounded promises. You could suggest you’ll have the best solutions considering the coming changes. This will sound hollow because no one really knows what’s coming yet.
You could connect and engage. At this point, this is the best option. And it’s the option, according to researchers, that will be most helpful.
The highest retention goal you can achieve is having your agents feel engaged and connected to those around them.
A feeling of engagement grows when an agent has a meaningful vision of the future, a sense of purpose (why their work is contributing to the vision), and great relationships.
Since the catalyst may have shaken the meaningful vision of the future, agents need you to come along them and say things like:
We’ve been through tough times in the past, we’re going to figure this out together.
I’ve got your back, and I’ll help you make sense of all the uncertainty we’re experiencing right now.
Not matter what happens, we’ll create a new vision of the future that honors your abilities and equips you to do your best work.
This is your opportunity to step up and be the leader your agents need right now.
That doesn’t mean you need to have all the answers, but it does mean you need to be engaged.
PS. Would you like a simple 4-step retention checklist that helps you focus on engagement? Download it now. It’s something you can bring into your retention meetings to help you stay focused on the issues that matter most.