The Time Management Paradox

by | Jul 15, 2021

Author Dane Jenson describes the nagging feeling most real estate leaders experience every day.

A major source of stress for many is the pervasive feeling that there is never enough time.

And yet, paradoxically, time management often increases the stress we face instead of reducing it.

As we become more efficient, we make room for even more tasks and feel even more pressure.

This feeling is not just anecdotal—it has been frequently documented by researchers.

For example, during the pandemic more than 70% of workers reported that working remotely saved them time (mostly by eliminating commuting and reducing business travel), and 50% said they were more productive.

So, what did most people do with the extra time? They worked more!

Despite the time saving and productivity gains, the average workday for remote workers has expanded by 30 minutes during the pandemic.

If you want to eliminate this negative feeling (and still be productive), you’ll need to look for solutions outside the traditional time-management philosophies.

We’ll be covering some of these ideas in the next few Insights.

But if you want to get a head start, read Dane Jenson’s outstanding article on this topic.


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