The Emergence of Recruitment Marketing

by | Feb 13, 2019

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting

Direct marketing techniques have been around for decades.

About 15 years ago, companies like HubSpot started modernizing direct marketing for the internet age.

New terms like “inbound marketing” were coined to differentiate the old from the new, but the underlying principles didn’t change.

When you’re selling something, it’s always better when a qualified prospect seeks you out, rather than the other way around.

The same is true for recruiting.

What is often called “inbound marketing” in sales is called “recruitment marketing” in the world of talent acquisition.

Driven by a sustained period of low unemployment, new companies, technologies, and techniques are now emerging in the arena of recruitment marketing.

In turn, recruiting prospects are being trained by the marketplace to interact with career opportunities like they do with product/service offerings.

In the days ahead, to be good at recruiting, you’ll need to be good at marketing.

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