There is a natural tension between innovation and stability.
At times we emphasize the topic of stability and the unchanging fundamentals of human nature, and then we refer to the vital importance of innovation. How could these seemingly contradictory messages co-exist? Psychologically, the need for more stability is often driven by fear. Whereas a constant need for innovation is often driven by impatience, lack of persistence, and impulsivity. When developing your recruiting message, it’s helpful to understand where you and your organization falls on this continuum. Are you always fighting for stability and resisting change? Or are you always on the search for innovation to make things work better? Where you personally fall on the continuum will affect your recruiting message and this is where a disconnect can occur. Pitching an innovation message to a recruiting prospect who wants stability will feel scary. Pitching a stability message to person who’s passionate about innovation will sound stale. As always, it’s important to become a student of your prospect’s mindset. Adjusting your message to mirror how the other person is experiencing their work and would potentially experience change, will result in a deeper connection.Have you registered for our Mastermind on Friday? If not, take a minute to do so now. We’d love to see you there!