Turning a Competitive Agent into a Referral Source

by | Jun 6, 2023

When connecting with an experienced agent prospect, you’ll often hear the objection:I’m not interested in making a change—I’m happy where I’m at.If you’re really focused on pursuing this particular agent, there are several ways to handle this common objection (we’ve covered some of these in previous Insights).But what if this prospect is just a cold contact?Is it productive to attempt to unseat them from their “happy” state?Some hiring managers pivot at this point and attempt to turn the reluctant prospect into a referral source.I’m not surprised you’re happy. Based on your production metrics, you seem to be doing really well.But I was wondering if there is anyone else in your group who is not doing as well as you are and doesn’t seem to be a good fit in your group?Faced with the choice of leaving empty-handed or getting a referral, it makes sense to ask for the referral.Most experienced agent hires come from referrals—it pays to get creative on how you obtain them.


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