The Blind Spots of Scaling Your Team

by | Feb 21, 2024

Many team leaders and single office brokerages must make a transition from sales to leadership.

While many high-performer’s sales skills do transition to leadership positions, there are some predictable blind spots.

Tech columnist Geoffrey James understands the transition of a start-up scaling its operation, and he describes the common pitfalls that new leaders struggle to avoid.

Fighting fires rather than scaling up. New leaders tend to focus on crises: service issues, customer issues, agent drama, and, of course, running out of money. They forget a team can’t possibly grow and succeed unless they make a commitment to recruit.

What to do: Put aside at least five hours a week for recruiting and interviewing candidates, even if you’re not currently hiring. Ideally, you want a pipeline of potential hires whenever you need to add staff or agents.

For a team to grow, everyone on the team must level-up every 12 months. This is only possible if the owner helps everyone understand the new skills and behaviors they’ll need to grow themselves as the company grows.

What to do: Think of coaching as an investment in time management. Yes, it takes longer to coach somebody to do a task than to just do it yourself. Once you’ve trained somebody, though, that task leaves your to-do list and creates time for you to do those things only you can do.

Failing to plan for setbacks. Even the best-run teams encounter problems. If you’re not prepared to deal with them, even a small hiccup can derail your ambitious plans.

What to do: Work with your coach or mentor to create contingency plans in case there are recruiting delays, slower-than-expected sales cycles, departures of key personnel, and other operational disruptions.

I’ve heard it hundreds of times: Great salespeople don’t make great leaders.

However, it’s not true if you can see and address the most common blind spots.


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