Leveraging the “Return to the Office” Resistance

by | Jul 22, 2021

recent article in Fast Company documented the tension many employees are feeling about returning to their physical offices.

As more employers push to get employees back in-house, the workers themselves are taking a harder stand.

An April 2021 survey found that 60% of women and 52% of men would quit if they weren’t allowed to continue working remotely at least part of the time.

It also revealed that 69% percent of men and 80% of women said that remote work options are among their top considerations when looking for a new job.

Why such strong pushback to return to the status quo?

Workers claim they’re more productive at home, it’s easier to blend work and life responsibilities, and they dread commuting.

Because the real estate industry has long been more progressive than their corporate counterparts in encouraging and equipping agents to work remotely, this is a great opportunity to capture some talented new agents.

Brand yourself as the “remote work leader” in your marketplace, and you’ll be well-positioned to attract those who are looking for remote employment options.


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