Recruiting After COVID

by | Apr 23, 2020

Earlier this week, Tom Ferry recorded an outstanding coaching video for agents who are struggling to restart their businesses.

He outlines a creative way of segmenting the crisis: Before COVID (BC)—During COVID (DC)—After COVID (AC)

Most productive agents had a BC strategy and worked their plan before the crisis materialized.

Some agents quickly developed a DC strategy and built meaningful connections with clients during this difficult time.

The next step is to start to develop an AC strategy.

Much has changed, there are still many uncertainties, and no one knows how or when the transition back to a new normal will happen.

But this we do know—those who are putting thought and energy into an AC strategy will be far ahead when the transition starts to gain momentum.

It’s not hard to see how this framework could be applied to recruiting.

Take a few minutes to find and review your BC recruiting plan for 2020.

Take inventory of your recruiting activities over the last 4 -6 weeks.

Then based on what you’ve learned, start developing your AC recruiting plan.

Laying out the plans and ideas in one place will help you see what’s changed, what’s remained the same, and what needs to be done next.

AC recruiting success will be captured by those who develop a plan now.


The Simple Psychology of Real Estate Recruiting [eBook]

Unlock the secrets of effective real estate recruiting and learn how you can build trust, foster rapport, and understand the psychology behind candidate decisions. Discover techniques for converting acquaintances to hires and retaining agents by addressing their needs and aspirations.