The 7 Ds That Lead to Recruiting Success

by | Mar 11, 2024

During last Friday’s Recruiting Mastermind, Michael Guthrie shared his formula for finding recruiting success in difficult market conditions.

Dream it. Conceptualize the end result from both a recruiting and retention perspective.

How many agents do you want on your team, and how much production do you want them doing?

Design it. Build the framework of benchmarks and metrics you’ll need to accomplish your dream.

How many new agents? How many experienced? How many will you need to retain? How much staff and resources will be necessary to reach your goals?

Develop a Plan. Break the process down into specific lead measures that can be executed by you and others on your staff who are directly responsible for results.

How many touches, conversations, face-to-face appointments, database additions, referrals, personal follow-ups, re-recruiting appointments, etc. These tasks must be consistently measured.

Desire/Discipline. Recruiting is hard because it requires a high level of proactive work with a low frequency of positive feedback.  Only the most disciplined succeed.

How are you frequently reminding yourself and your staff of the dream?  Why should they care? Are you on track this week?  What’s working? What’s not working? How are wins recorded and celebrated each week?

Detours/Distractions. Once a proactive plan is established, it seems the whole world starts conspiring against you to sabotage your progress.

How are you adjusting your plan? If you’re failing to meet your lead measures, what’s the strategy for getting back on track quickly? What do you need to stop doing to make room for recruiting and retention activities?

If you successfully execute this formula, you’ll arrive at your destination–a talented group of productive agents who are loyal to you and your shared vision.

This a dream worth pursuing.


PS. If you’re struggling to conceptualize and execute this kind of dream, reach out to our team to schedule a free recruiting consultation.  We’ve helped hundreds of organizations find their path to recruiting success, and we can help you too.


The Simple Psychology of Real Estate Recruiting [eBook]

Unlock the secrets of effective real estate recruiting and learn how you can build trust, foster rapport, and understand the psychology behind candidate decisions. Discover techniques for converting acquaintances to hires and retaining agents by addressing their needs and aspirations.