Don’t Lead with Your Company Culture

by | Mar 20, 2019

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting

Agents join new companies to get immediate gratification.

They may later discover you have a great culture.

According to community expert Richard Millington, this principle broadly applies to all communities and cultures.

A sense of community is something that sneaks up on you when you weren’t expecting it.

 [Over time]…you begin to feel a commonality with others. You participate in rituals and traditions. You get to know other members and feel you’re a part of something together.

The sense of community isn’t something you promote to visitors and newcomers, it’s something you promote to (and facilitate between) existing members.

Richard developed an infographic to more clearly illustrate the prerequisites someone needs to experience a sense of community.

When recruiting, always lead with the unique and personal benefits for your prospect. 

Unless you first solve their short-term problem, they’ll never have the opportunity to learn about your great culture.

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