When trying to find solutions to a difficult problem (like recruiting), most people search for insight from our own experiences, the insights of others, and best practices.Chip and Dan Heath advise taking exploration a step further. Research suggests that reflecting or ruminating on our own thoughts and feelings is an ineffective way to achieve true understanding. Studying your own behavior is more fruitful. It’s better to take a risk, try something, and distill the answer from experience rather than navel-gazing. Action leads to insight more often than insight leads to action. Successful recruiters and hiring managers take action based on the possibility that a promising tactic may produce positive results. And then they measure results. Not at the macro level (did I get a hire?), but at the micro level (did my call script cause my recruiting prospect to engage?). Each small action that proves successful adds to your insight.
And then they contemplate what might work for them. While that’s a great place to start, professors