Using Outside Influencers to Hire More Agents–Part 2

by | Dec 15, 2022

Yesterday, we discussed the importance of identifying a network of influencers who are willing to help recruit more effectively.

An influencer is someone who gives you inside information about what’s going on in the offices of your competitors.

Where do you find influencers? Here are a few sources:

Vendors. Think about who works with your business, but also works with competitors. For example, loan officers, title reps, warranty and insurance reps, staging consultants, and many more.

Vendors are often willing to talk about what is going on in the broader marketplace.

New Hires. When an agent comes over from a competitor, it’s a great time to ask: Is there anyone else in the group who is also unhappy?

To confirm (in their own minds) they made the right decision, new hires are often willing to reveal this information. If another agent joins your office, it confirms they did the right thing.

Competitive Agents. In a recruiting dialog, you may get to the point where your prospect makes it clear they are not ready be recruited.

At this juncture, you may want to say: I know the timing is not right for you, but is there anyone else in your company who may be frustrated and need to make a change?

A winsome hiring manager develops relationships with many influencers and then uses the information they provide to focus their recruiting efforts.

It’s the proactive way to be in the right place at the right time.

The Simple Psychology of Real Estate Recruiting [eBook]

Unlock the secrets of effective real estate recruiting and learn how you can build trust, foster rapport, and understand the psychology behind candidate decisions. Discover techniques for converting acquaintances to hires and retaining agents by addressing their needs and aspirations.