Who’s Talking About Their Jobs?

by | Nov 19, 2018

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting

The general manager of a large real estate company told me about an informal experiment he has been running for the last 30 years.

Every time he sits down at a restaurant, he tries to take note of the topics the four closest tables are discussing.

The results have been consistent–1 in 4 tables are talking about some kind of real estate / housing topic.

Knowing that 25% of the population is conversing about real estate issues motivates him to stay engaged in the game—there are business opportunities all around him!

He and his business partners have used this motivation to build one of the largest and most productive real estate companies in the country.

Quick question:  How many of those four tables are talking about jobs/employment related issues?

I haven’t done 30 years of informal research yet, but I suspect it’s more than 25%.

Employment is one of the most common topics people talk about with friends and family.

As a real estate recruiter/hiring manager, you’re at the intersection of two of the most “talked about” topics in our society.

Like real estate–there are recruiting opportunities all around.

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