How to Recruit to a High Support Model

by | Apr 17, 2023

I recently heard this question from a manager I coach:

During recruiting calls, the “How much did you make on your last transaction?” question is one that our competitors use against our model.

How can our high support/high service model answer this objection?

Sometimes, the key to answering an objection is changing the question.

Larry Kendall frequently recommends asking this one:

How much are you making an hour as a real estate agent?

The agent may have made $5,500 on their last transaction (average amount in the US), but if they only sold four homes/year (average amount in the US), their hourly rate is $22.92 (assuming they work 20 hours/week).

The first question has limited context because it relates to one transaction.

The second question gets at what people care about most.

You may want to counter with this question when you go after their agents:

Did you know the average agent in our marketplace only earns $23 per hour, but the average agent in my office makes $85/hour?

When they ask you how this happens, respond by saying:

We do this by providing a high level of support and service to our agents so they can focus their efforts on revenue generating activities.

We take the low-value and mundane tasks off their plates so they can scale their businesses and earn more.

You can always play to your strengths.

The Simple Psychology of Real Estate Recruiting [eBook]

Unlock the secrets of effective real estate recruiting and learn how you can build trust, foster rapport, and understand the psychology behind candidate decisions. Discover techniques for converting acquaintances to hires and retaining agents by addressing their needs and aspirations.