The Flow Trigger for Recruiting

by | Mar 3, 2021

In a recent article, psychologist and author Benjamin Hardy reminded his readers of the importance of being in psychological flow to accomplish their best work.

Being in “flow” is crucial to high-performance and creativity. It’s crucial to being happy. It’s crucial to social connection.

How do you get in flow?

There are many “flow triggers,” such as being in various types of environments, having short deadlines, having high consequence for failure, etc.

But there’s one “flow trigger” that is more important than anything else.

And that’s having one outcome that you’re seeking at any given time.

This lack of a singular focus on recruiting (even for an hour a day) not only causes poor results, but it also makes recruiting a miserable experience.

The problem for most people is that, while they’re doing one thing, they’re also seeking other outcomes.

Our brains become mentally lazy when we stop being purposeful about what we’re doing.

We can become accustomed to never being fully present, and rather than being where we are and accomplishing our one outcome, we get sucked into mental addictions.

High performing recruiters and hiring managers purpose to close out all distractions during their time blocks and focus on the singular outcome of accomplishing their recruiting metrics.

It’s the “flow trigger” that equips you to do your best work.


The Simple Psychology of Real Estate Recruiting [eBook]

Unlock the secrets of effective real estate recruiting and learn how you can build trust, foster rapport, and understand the psychology behind candidate decisions. Discover techniques for converting acquaintances to hires and retaining agents by addressing their needs and aspirations.