Agent and Manager Behaviors Survey Results

by | May 2, 2022

A few weeks ago, I asked you to participate in a nationwide survey conducted by JPAR of agent and manager behaviors.

For those of you who participated, thank you.   Here is some of what we learned.

Most participants were experienced/high wage earners:  60% of those who responded had more than five years of experience and their average annual income was $129,000.

Biggest challenges:

For brokers/owners:  Recruiting committed talent

For team leaders:  Developing systems, process, and structure that drive a consistent experience

For agents: Executing consistently on prospecting, lead generation, and marketing

Top 7 agent income related behaviors:

1. Personal Assistant:  62% more annual income for those with an assistant vs. those without.

2. Database:  70% have/work a database consistently—they earned 60% more annual income.

3. Influence Marketing:  53% more annual income for those conducting monthly or quarterly customer events.

4. Consistent Follow-up: 37% more annual income for those with a system and process in place supporting five or more follow-up attempts with prospects.

5. Business/Marketing Plan:  27% more income for those with a specific marketing plan, 30% more income for those with a specific business plan, 42% more income for those with BOTH a marketing and business-specific plan.

6. Tracking/Measuring Daily Activities: 12% more income for those who track/measure daily activities.  82% of highest income earners reported tracking the lead measure of new appointments.

7. Lead Conversions:  Most agents reported it takes about 25 conversations to get one sale.

There are two recruiting takeaways from this data:

a.  Earning more.  If your recruiting value proposition is focused on helping agents earn more, this is a blueprint of where you should be focused.

b.  Recruiting more. The behaviors that cause agents to perform at a high level are very similar to the behaviors that make recruiters and hiring managers to perform at a high level.

Mirror what top preforming agents are doing in the recruiting arena.

The Simple Psychology of Real Estate Recruiting [eBook]

Unlock the secrets of effective real estate recruiting and learn how you can build trust, foster rapport, and understand the psychology behind candidate decisions. Discover techniques for converting acquaintances to hires and retaining agents by addressing their needs and aspirations.