How to Get the Highest Return from Your Sourcing Budget

by | Nov 1, 2022

The Job Board Doctor consulting group recently released their annual recruiting trends survey.

This is one of the longstanding benchmarks for the recruitment advertising marketplace, and something many recruiting marketing professionals reference to apportion their budgets.

Each year, they track the media sources that produce the highest volume of recruiting prospects and the highest quality of recruiting prospects.

This year’s highest volume sources are:

1. Job Alerts (Text or Email)*

2. Search Engine Optimization Strategies

3. Pay-Per-Click Advertising

This year’s highest quality sources are:

1.  Job Alert (Text or Email)

2.  Word-of-Mouth Referrals

3. Search Engine Optimization Strategies

To successfully play the candidate sourcing game, you must use paid advertising (job alerts and PPC) and understand how to optimize search engines.

The fact is–most companies get stuck with a low volume of low-quality prospects when sourcing online, and a few companies capture the higher volumes of high-quality applicants.

Make sure you’re in the second group.

*What’s a Job Alert? A Job Alert is an email/text notification that is sent to you whenever jobs matching your search preferences are available on a particular site.

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