Find A Recruiting Niche

by | Mar 13, 2020

It seems experienced agent recruiting is being driven by funky economics.

With the proliferation of new brokerage models, external capital flowing into the industry, and the paranoia of being left behind many hiring managers are jumping into a race to the bottom.

If you’re tempted to compete under unreasonable terms, consider this an intervention.

Here’s the reality–the real estate industry is still incredibly diverse and fragmented.

There are hundreds of small niches where brokers and agents are making profits.

Find your niche, then focus your effort on dominating it.

Recruit agents who are equipped and passionate about helping you dominate your niche.

Devise value-based pay packages that allow you and your agents to fairly prosper when the expectations of your clients are exceeded.

Seth Godin once said,

…the problem with the race to the bottom is that you might win.


The Simple Psychology of Real Estate Recruiting [eBook]

Unlock the secrets of effective real estate recruiting and learn how you can build trust, foster rapport, and understand the psychology behind candidate decisions. Discover techniques for converting acquaintances to hires and retaining agents by addressing their needs and aspirations.