Why Do Recruiters Fail?

by | Jun 21, 2019

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting

Yesterday, we discovered some of the reasons agents fail when beginning their real estate careers or changing companies.

Considering the criteria that researchers outlined, the chances of hiring a high performer seem daunting.

In turn, it’s tempting to retreat into the shelter of selectivity.

I’ll only consider recruiting prospects who meet the high bar that research, my experience, and my gut tell me will result in a successful hire.

Taken to an extreme, selectivity will hinder your results.

The quickest way to fail as a recruiter is to hire no one.

It’s better to perform most of the tasks of recruiting (sourcing, screening, interviewing, nurturing, etc.) as if you’re non-selective, and then say “no” to those who don’t meet a reasonable standard at the end of the hiring process.

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