Choosing Productivity

by | Jan 10, 2020

by Ben Hess, Managing Director, ThirdPool Recruiting

In a previous podcast, Dave Mashburn noted that the most productive managers “do less and obsess.”

This insight was based on a landmark study of more than 5000 first-level managers in various industries.

When trying to apply this advice, realize that most managers struggle with the next step.

How do you determine which activities to obsess on?

Dave suggests placing priority on the activities that provide the highest value to your end customers and your organization.

Real estate customers find value in having their needs met.

Often this means connecting them with competent and responsive agents who will exceed their expectations.

Real estate organizations find value in growing the number of these competent agents available to their customers.

Often this means investing in recruiting activities and other activities that increase agent productivity.

As you try to determine the right activities to focus on, ask yourself two questions:

Does this activity directly contribute to recruiting and/or increasing per agent productivity?

What activities are distracting me from focusing on these two priorities?

If you don’t proactively choose what to focus on, you’ll be overcome by the urgent and less-important needs of those around you.

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