If an agent wants to learn something new or get an answer to a question, where do they turn for help?According to researchers, they most commonly ask their manager, ask a peer, or search the internet for answers. What they don’t do is reference their training materials or seek out company-published information (these resources were generally listed as the least helpful). When interviewing someone, you may not be helping yourself by talking about your company’s training program (even if it’s the best one on the planet). Why? From the candidates’ perspective, you’re offering them something that was generally not helpful and unappreciated at their last place of employment. How do progressive companies handle this issue? They talk about the learning environment in their companies (i.e., everyone is always learning and sharing ideas). They talk about the knowledgeable and helpful people they’ll get to interact with in this role. They talk about autonomy. Being a real estate agent is about setting your own course and learning new stuff every day.