If you’re asking an agent to leave their current brokerage and join your team, there must be a compelling reason for them to make a change.
The reason for change comes from one of two sources:
1. Their company: Something or someone has caused your prospect to become unhappy and disgruntled.
2. Your company: You’re offering something of value that’s not available from their existing broker.
From a recruiting mindset perspective, it’s better to focus on the second option.
The first and most important task of recruiting is to build an extraordinary
organization that offers a compelling value.
This value should be focused on a subset of the agent population that legitimately needs what you’re offering.
Without this combination, whatever it is that you’re attempting to present to competitive agents will not penetrate the noise.
Yes, you could wait until one of your competitors experiences a crisis and their disgruntled agents start considering your organization as an alternative.
But that should not be your primary strategy.
It takes too long, cannot be controlled, and puts you in a reactive mindset.
Confident, value-based recruiters lean upon what they do better than anyone else and strive for consistency.
Their proactive mindset allows them to keep moving and create opportunities.
PS. If you’re having trouble creating and articulating your compelling value to the marketplace, reach out to us for a free coaching call. Our coaches specialize in helping hiring managers rise above the noise, and we can help you too.