In a post from the archive, Dave Mashburn reminds us that negative emotion always has the tendency to overwhelm positive emotion.
Keeping negative emotion in check and amplifying positive feelings is something every human must proactively do to live a healthy life.
How do you do that?
By occupying your minds with directed thoughts, defined goals, and meaningful work.
Without this proactive focus, the brain defaults into psychic entropy.
With nothing to do, the mind is unable to prevent negative thoughts from elbowing their way to center stage.
Worries about one’s love life, health, investments, family, and job are always hovering at the periphery of attention, waiting until there is nothing pressing that demands concentration.
As soon as the mind is ready to relax, zap! The potential problems that were waiting in the wings take over.
This evidence is consistent with every study done on resilience and survival.
The only way to stave off worry and depression is to build meaning and purpose into your life.
This means setting proactive goals and building an action plan to reach those goals.
Not only does this make you less worrisome, but it also will make you happier while pursuing worthwhile ends.