In a post from the archive, Jay Luebke published an article outlining his seven-year journey as a real estate agent (he started when he was 17-years old).
At the time, he had worked in four different brokerages in several different geographic markets.
According to Jay, here are just a few things that may be going through an agent’s mind when choosing a brokerage:
Do I need a robust training platform as I kick off my career as a new agent?
Am I in a new market where I need some help getting off the ground with leads?
Have I built a thriving business, honed my systems and now want the freedom to do what I want with little support from the brokerage?
Do I want an environment where I can create a passive stream of income by building a team?
And there may be dozens more specific things agents are considering when they choose a brokerage.
As a recruiter or hiring manager, it’s important to recognize your company cannot possibly meet all the diverse needs of the prospective agent population.
It’s better to identify the two or three things you do better than any of your competitors.
Then spend most of your time searching, finding, and connecting with experienced agents or prospective agents who need the specific things you’re really good at providing.
This strategy is more expensive and time-consuming on the front end, but it honors the integrity of both parties in the long run.
That makes for a better hire.