Individuals often make a change when they become dissatisfied.
Getting a prospect to express their dissatisfaction during an initial interview opens the door for an emotional connection to develop.
So, how do you get someone to express their dissatisfactions?
Just ask.
Most people are willing to talk about their struggles, but during a first meeting they’ll need to be prompted a little.
You’ll have to ask open-ended questions specifically focused on potential dissatisfactions the candidate may be experiencing. For example:
If you could change something about your current broker, what would it be?
Tell me about your current manager….
If you could change something about your current financial situation, what would it be?
Tell me about the other agents you work with…
Do you feel that you are a good fit on your current team, or is something missing?
Uncovering dissatisfactions will help a prospect feel listened to and understood.
Only then are they truly able to hear potential solutions to their problems.