How to Avoid the Feature Trap

by | Nov 1, 2024

Most agents would say they chose their broker based on a list of features.

It’s like reading a spec sheet for a new laptop they’re considering–commission split, technology, marketing programs, brand, training, office location, support services, etc.

After listing the features of each company, candidates attempt to assign a value to each offering.

What do I get? How much is this going to cost me? What’s the best value?

As a recruiter or hiring manager, getting drawn into these comparisons is a trap.

There will always be competitors who say they offer more at a lower price (and they’re usually lying).

How do you keep from getting sucked into this no-win situation?

One way is to focus on the success of the agents who are already on your team.

Jim Rohn famously said,

You’re the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time.

And researchers have confirmed both your personal and professional networks have a substantial effect on your success or failure.

Start asking your prospects:

Assuming the features offered across brokers are somewhat equal, who will be your peers, mentors, and role models in the company you choose?

This strategy allows you to build on the success you’ve already achieved rather than joining the race to the bottom.


The Simple Psychology of Real Estate Recruiting [eBook]

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