The Two Types of Recruiting Innovation

by | Aug 19, 2024

According to author Scott Anthony, innovations come in two flavors.

Core innovations are lower potential projects expected to offer rapid returns, and they are near and complimentary to your current business process.

Competitors will often be aware of these innovations and likely be implementing many of the same ideas you’re considering.

New growth innovations push the frontier of your strategy by developing something utterly original or doing something in a novel way.

These innovations have the potential to produce substantial returns, but it takes much longer to realize revenue from them.

When attempting to innovate your recruiting process, which framework should your organization use?

Core innovations will require you to execute better than your competitors.

New growth innovations require good ideas–plus the resilience and long-term focus to stay committed to them.

Neither one guarantees success, and both strategies produce some winners.

Pick one and then stay the course.


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