Overcoming Adversity With Gratitude

by | Nov 27, 2024

It’s no secret that gratitude is good for you.

And as much as it reminds you to be thankful, Thanksgiving could be the healthiest holiday of the year.

But for many in the real estate industry, gratitude has been more difficult to muster in the last couple of years.

Why?  Because adversity has a way of putting us on our heels.

We tend to lean back into self-pity and struggle to focus on the positive.

This is a trap that remarkable individuals choose to avoid.

For example, Albert Einstein faced much more adversity than most of us will ever endure.

As a German Jew, he lived through both World Wars and was driven from his home in Berlin.

At one point, his name was on the “not yet hanged” list, and there was a bounty placed on his head.

As a refugee, he first settled in Belgium but later relocated to England and then the United Stated to avoid persecution.

But despite the adversity and hardships he experienced over many years,

Einstein was resilient, frequently grateful and inspired by the things around him:

There are two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.

As you head into the Thanksgiving holiday, take a page from Einstein’s mindset playbook.

Great minds double down on gratitude when things get tough.


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