It’s the time of year when agents (both your own and recruiting prospects) want to renegotiate their compensation packages and talk about their commission split.
A few years ago, Jeff Glover wrote an article on this topic that is worth revisiting.
Over the years, I have witnessed or have been involved in many conversations with agents who are constantly chasing or looking for a company that will give them a higher split.
The question an agent should be asking the broker or leader of a company is not, ‘What is my split?’ But instead, it should be, ‘What is my net?’
And ‘net’ doesn’t just mean money. It’s a balance between the money and the time, effort, and stress it takes to earn the money.
Jeff looks at this issue from several angles. Here are the top three things you should suggest an agent consider:
Your taxable income at year’s end. If your GCI increases through a higher split, and your expenses are higher too, are you really gaining anything? Business is about making money.
Your support and help resources. If your split is high, your support will be low. With low support, you’ll be doing more of the mundane/low value work yourself. Smart agents look for ways to “outsource” this type of work.
Your ability to learn and grow. What you earn today is based on your split.
What you earn tomorrow is based on how much better you’re getting at becoming a profitable agent.
Great hiring managers don’t allow themselves to be boxed into a split discussion.
They change the basis of the discussion by helping their prospects to see the bigger picture.
P.S. Do you need some help developing honing our negotiation strategy? If so, reach out to one of our coaches for a free coaching call. We’ll help you position yourself to win.