Understanding the Core Capacities Index™ (CCI™) Assessment

The Core Capacities Index™ (CCI™) Assessment is a revolutionary tool that offers an in-depth look into an individual's innate nature rather than focusing solely on their personality. In contrast to conventional assessments and skills tests, which capture a person's behavioral patterns influenced by their job, age, and situation, the CCI™ dives deep into a person's core motivational drivers. These drivers form a stable and unchanging part of an individual's inner self. This innovative approach allows managers and employers to predict future successful performance in real estate with unprecedented accuracy.

What is the Core Capacities Index™ Assessment?

The CCI™ is an online assessment tool that presents participants with a series of 36 boxes, each containing four words. Participants choose two words from each box that best represent them. Each word is directly linked to one of the four Core Capacities, providing an authentic snapshot of a person’s innermost self - a unique mix of core motivational drivers.

The CCI™ has been proven to have a reliability and repeat test scoring consistency in the 95% range, making it significantly more stable and reliable than many gold standard behavioral assessments.

Why the CCI™ Over Other Tools?

Many notable personality assessment tools can be too complicated and confusing, whereas the CCI™ focuses on four essential motivations. The CCI™ has a remarkable 97.7% repeat score reliability, significantly higher than most personality assessment tools. Moreover, it's difficult to find a brief assessment that provides a proven way to get the right match between business processes and innate motivations.

Benefits of the Core Capacities Index™ Assessment

The CCI™ is the simplest, most accurate tool for improving self-awareness and aligning job tasks with innate nature. It is beneficial for business leaders, employees, or anyone who wishes to gain deeper insights into their core capcities and how these capacities impact their work and life.

In contrast to conventional assessments, the CCI™ only uses positive strategic capacities and values in a simple word-choice format. It is not a personality test and doesn’t require answering any questions. Instead, users choose 72 words that best represent them, unveiling their innate nature and core motivational drivers. These drivers dictate the behaviors and desired work that develop self-esteem, leading people to instinctively seek work opportunities that allow them to make their highest contribution possible.

Limitations of the Core Capacities Index™ Assessment

The CCI™ focuses on a person's innate nature and core motivational drivers, not on acquired skills or learned behaviors. While this offers valuable insights into an individual's natural tendencies, it may not capture their potential to adapt, learn, and grow. It's essential to complement the CCI™ with other assessments to get a holistic understanding of an individual's capacities.

Finally, the CCI™ is not designed to be the end-all-be-all tool for making hiring decisions. In fact, this is a less of a limitation and more of a feature. A good recruiting and hiring process should leverage multiple tools and techniques to make sound hiring decisions. The CCI™ should never account for no more than one-third of the final hiring determination. To arrive at the best selection, we recommend combining a candidate's CCI™ results with structured interviews, relevant background experience, skills assessments, and other hiring best practices.


By using the CCI™ Assessment, real estate professionals can better match their recruits with roles that align with their core motivational drivers. This, in turn, maximizes productivity, improves job satisfaction, and ultimately leads to higher performance in the workplace. Empower your recruitment strategy and revolutionize your workplace by harnessing the power of the Core Capacities Index™ Assessment today.

About Recruiting Insight

Recruiting Insight is a comprehensive talent acquisition solutions provider for the real estate industy, specializing in agent recruiting and retention. Our recruiting services provide leaders with the software, strategies, coaching, and consulting to turn good intentions into measurable results. On average, our clients see a 5X to 10X Return on Investment within their first year.

Connect with a coach today for a free strategy consult by visiting https://recruitinginsight.net/