According to researchers at the University of Calgary, there are six factors individuals typically consider when changing jobs/companies.
Position Characteristics
Recruiter Characteristics
Perception of the Recruiting Process
Perceived Alternatives
Hiring Expectancy
Perception of Fit
Perception of Fit is the most important issue propelling an individual towards a career change.
Any idea which factor researchers found to be least significant?
You guessed it–Perceived Alternatives.
While candidates will naturally consider other alternatives (commonly what a competitor is offering), it’s the least important issue for getting them to make a change.
During the interview and follow-up conversations, don’t make the mistake of focusing too much time and energy on what your competitors are offering.
You’ll not only appear to be on the defense, but you’ll also be ignoring or minimizing the factors that really do make a difference in the candidate’s decision.
When recruiting, it’s important to accentuate your positives.
P.S. Our next Recruiting Mastermind is coming up quickly. If you haven’t registered yet, take a minute to do so now, and get it on your calendar!